The best Bags Under $500 You Can buy right now

There is nothing I love more than a terrific bargain, and I love finding stylish bags at amazing price points. I typically think luxury and handbags can be synonymous with ultra-expensive, but that doesn’t always have to be the case. some of my favorite handbags in my closet are handbags that I purchased for less than $500, and the quality is honestly on par with some of my premier designer bags.

I was recently browsing tPF, specifically the Polène thread. One user even compared the leather on her new Umi bag to Hermès Togo or Clemence leather quality—my mouth literally dropped in surprise and delight. I will be the first to admit I have never touched an Hermès bag, but I can attest to the quality of Polène bags. Well constructed and luxe, yet affordable and attainable, it remains one of my favorite handbag brands. With stunning clean lines, gorgeous leather, and sturdy construction, I am not surprised to read the comparison between the two brands.

The holidays are around the corner, and whether you are shopping for a handbag lover in your life or looking to treat yourself, I’ve rounded up my favorite bags under $500 right now. You don’t have to sacrifice quality or style for the price point. These bags are stunning and elegant in their own right. Do you have a go-to brand when shopping for style on a budget?

Coach Kip leather Crossbody Bag
via Nordstrom


Brandon Blackwood The Kendrick Trunk Bag
via Shopbop


Polene Umi Bag
via Polene


Themoire Hera Bag
via Shopbop


Kurt Geiger London Kensington Quilted Crossbody Clutch
via Bloomingdale’s


Botkier Valentina mini Crossbody camera Bag
via Nordstrom


All Saints Edbury shoulder Bag
via Nordstrom


Kate Spade Smile large Pebbled leather shoulder Bag
via Nordstrom


See by Chloe small Cecilia bucket Bag
via Chloé


Ganni Knot Hobo
via Nordstrom


Mansur Gavriel candy Bag
via Nordstrom

$ 495

Tory Burch T monogram leather Barrel Bag
via Nordstrom


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